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Medical Exam and Home-Away-From-Home

This morning Johnathan finally claimed that spot in his Daddy's heart that he reserves for only the sweetest, most adorable, best behaved children in the world when he was a ROCK STAR at the medical examination. He was happy, smiley, talkative, and relaxed... it was wonderful! He almost seemed like he enjoyed it.  Daddy was SO proud :)

We got his visa photos taken first and while they were printing he demanded (he gets that irritated look on his face, points at the ground, and goes off on you in Chinese... we do not need a translator for that one!) that he get down and climb around like Jack was doing.

Then we were off to the examination building. Johnathan played around with some toys while we waited and then when it was our turn he brought on the charm and wowed the doctors and nurses. He did everything they asked him to and not a whimper could be heard at all. In fact, he was smiling at all of the medical staff and they were talking and joking with him. One guy in particular (I think he was a trainee doctor) enjoyed him so much that he followed us around to the rest of the stations. The doctor who did the main part of the examination was really impressed with Johnathan's cognitive abilities and he spent a long time examining his legs... it seemed to be more out of his own interest than that it was necessary for the visa application. I wanted to ask him what he thought of Johnathan's legs but we were hustled out of there before I had a chance.

Johnathan did not need the vaccinations like Catherine did (thank goodness!) so he only needed a TB test. I was nervous that he would be upset and it would set us back in our bonding. On the contrary, after our guide explained to him what was going to happen he sat on my lap and took it like a big boy... he tensed up but never cried. When it was over he smiled at me, accepted his high praise from every adult in the room, and moved on.

As a reward we took him to my China home-away-from-home... the Starbucks on Shamian Island! I always joke that if you are looking for me in China you should always look there first :) Johnathan enjoyed his first ever hot chocolate very much though he was more excited by the whipped cream on top than actually drinking it.

This is him showing off his TB test battle scar!  Thankfully it has already gone away.  Yippee!  Daddy does not have to pay for x-rays... this, of course, endears him to his father even more!

After leaving Starbucks we visited our old stomping grounds the White Swan Hotel. It is closed for renovations for the next year or so (which is why we are not staying there this time) but for now the main level and restaurants are still open. Johnathan (and Jack for that matter) were amazed by the giant indoor waterfall and the fish. It is a pretty cool place and I miss being there on this trip.

We could not quite get him to sit still for a red couch photo...

... so we tried a little of this action instead!


  1. Just got the link to your blog from RQ and wanted to say congratulations! Oh my, he is gorgeous and fits right in with you. So happy for you all.

    Kathay from RQ

  2. So nice to see your family on Shamian Island, even just reading about it is relaxing, just like when you actually get there, just so much relief and a sense that you are closer to home. You sure have a happy boy there, he just looks so natural up there on your hip (He is a hip full!) Happy all is well, so what are you planning to see, I am looking forward to your postings!

    Sue (my password for this post: Clingin!) too sweet
